Mirror, Mirror, have I changed?

Some babies are born bald, some have little hair and some are gifted with a lot of hair. Maybe the environment plays a vital role or is it hereditary? I don't know. When Richie was born, he had lot of hair. We used to have trouble drying his hair after bath. It seems that baby's head is soft and care should be taken not to cause any harm.

Now Richie is 7.5 months old. As his lustrous hair were dangling down, everyone thought he was a girl.:) He used to pull his hair because they were causing hindrance, by going in his eyes and ears. We decided to give him some relief. My hubby was the best barber we could get. :) So we put on his favourite music and made him sit and started giving him a trim. Richie is a very curious and a sensitive baby. We had just started triming, he realised something is fishy. He started turning and seeing what is happening on top of his head. We struggled for 1 hour, but in vain. We barely could managed a little. After all the tiring work, he started feeling sleepy. That was a good chance. We let him sleep away to glory. My hubby managed to do the work. When Richie woke up, we showed him the mirror and he started staring at himself, as if saying "Mirror, mirror, have I changed?"

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