Learning Opposites

As Richie was going for a day care in Japan, he learnt a lot of Japanese words too. He is practicing saying opposites in English and Japanese. He says "Big car" ,* "Chisi (meaning small in japanese) car" and arranges them together.
Some more words he is learning are : Long stick * short stick, fat book* thin book, heavy*light, empty cup*full cup with ice cream.
We try to add his favourite foods to the vocabulary of opposites so that he can associate it and learn faster.

Saying colors and numbers

These are the days of fast learning for Richie. He can recognize and say the basic 12 colors and describes things with 2 word sentences like "green ball" ,"red car", "blue bedsheet", "pink pillow", "orange t-shirt".
He also tries to count objects and says he wants "5 balls", "2 biscuits", "more sugar","4 trees" etc.
He looks at picture book and says numbers till 10.

Richie knows all the alphabets

Richie is 2 years 3 months old now. We are at our native place after the Japan earthquake and Richie seems to enjoy with his cousins. He tries to imitate them and does cute new actions everyday. It is fun to watch him grow.

These days he has started a craze for alphabets. I got him a puzzle where he has to arrange the alphabets and he does it quite well. He can recognize and read the alphabets. He also points and names all the pictures on the alphabet book. He loves to watch the alphabet phonic songs and repeats after them. Last night he was not ready to sleep. He kept repeating the phonics and making new words with the alphabets he had learnt.