Richie at 18 months - milestones

Wondering what Richie is upto these days. He is trying to enhance his skills by practicing it more and more everyday. Thatz the thing I like about kids. They never give up. We as adults tend to give up soon, if we feel we cannot do a thing. That is the best lesson I learnt from Richie. "Mama, don't give up, keep trying".
Here is Richie at 18 months.Maybe I am missing a few. Will add it up as I remember them.
  • walks well and sometimes runs too - Started at 15.5 months
  • learnt to say No and yes.
  • shows strong likes and dislikes
  • going to japanese nursery school and learns a lot of new stuff everyday and japanese words.
  • points to things in the alphabet chart when called out.
  • recognises and says few letters in the alphabet chart.
  • makes 2-3 words sentences (which we cannot understand ).
  • talks to himself while playing.
  • plays on his own.
  • dumps an object in imitation, such as throwing garbage away
  • does some abstract drawings.
  • says dada, mama and looks at us while saying.
  • tries to imitate the dog sound "waaaaaaah, aaaaaaaaah" and smiles.
  • trying to eat with spoon and drink from cup
  • laughs spontaneously if we start laughing.
  • starts a conversation between 2 animals.
  • tries to talk on the phone.
  • can match a lot of shapes, triangle, heart, square, star etc.
  • plays with push and pull toys
  • likes to drive his car – groom, grooooooooom
  • loves to shop, puts the things he likes in the basket.
  • can build towers out of blocks and makes trains.
  • loves to play pee-ka-boo and so-big
  • imitates action songs.
  • solves puzzles.
  • loves to listen to story books.
  • co-operates while dressing up by putting his hands in the t-shirt.

Wearing his socks and shoes

Wondering whether Richie is already wearing his socks and shoes!! Yes, he does try and I help him a little. He calls shoes "shees". If dada or I are wearing shoes, he will run to get his too. He knows that it is time for an outing when we wear it.

Today being a Saturday, we decided to go to the park. Richie was very excited and dressed up in no time. He does not like to waste any more time at home. "Straight to the park mama", he says. And after reaching the park, you know what kids do. They hardly remember that their parents are around. They are happy playing around.

Candle meditation

From the time Richie was 4-5 months old, we used to lit candles and pray. He used to like it and become happy. Now when we say the word candle, he takes the candle stand and indicates that he wants to light candles. You have to see the look in his eyes when he sees the bright candles. He sits with us, hands folded and all and prays. After the prayers are over, he knows what needs to be done.. Phewwwwwwwww and the candles are blown off.