Sweet Potatoes as baby food

I introduced sweet potatoes to Richie after he completed 6.5 months. Sweet potatoes are nutritious and high in Vitamin A and beta carotene as well as potassium. They also contain a good amount of Vitamin E, calcium and folate. It is easy to prepare and he enjoys it as well.

Here is a simple recipe for you:
Sweet Potatoes Puree
1. Steam or bake sweet potatoes together until tender.
2. Puree as needed, adding water to thin if required.

Sweet Potatoes and Apple Mash
1. Steam or bake apples and sweet potatoes together until tender.
2. Mash/puree as needed, adding water to thin if required.

Boiling/Steaming Sweet Potatoes:
1. Peel sweet potatoes and cut into small chunks
2. Place chunks into a pan/pressure cooker with just enough water
3. Boil until tender.

Other foods which you can mix with sweet potatoes
Baby Cereal
Brown Rice
Green Beans

Dream World - The land of the rising sun

After 2 days of continuos rains, the sun-god decided to shine on us. I am standing in my balcony and it feels great to breath the fresh air after the clouds have cleared up the sky. I like to bask in the morning sun, happy and contented about where I am and what I am doing. Sometimes it looks like a dream. I am working in Tokyo, Japan - The land of the rising sun, one of the world’s costliest city. It’s been more than 4 years for me here and I have enjoyed every bit of it with my hubby. It is a dream come true. In here, it is important to learn at least conversational Japanese language and I did it first thing after landing.

Another feather to my cap is, I am a MOM now and this feeling brings me a great deal of satisfaction and happiness. Richie was born here in Japan, this January, 2009. I started this blog because of him to pen down my thoughts about motherhood. I hope you feel good reading it.

I am proud of my son who is growing with each passing day to be a handsome individual. He is 6 months old now. He is learning and gaining the right skills and we are happily enjoying the days together. How good I feel to take care of his needs knowing that this li’l angel is depending on me for his every need. I know he will soon grow to be an independent person. Until then I am going to be loving mom, his guide, philosopher and above all his best friend.

Richie says Hi

Hello you lovely people, This is Richie again. This is the continuation to my previous blog Hello Everyone, Richie here... I am doing a lot of stuff..

These days I am also practicing pushing forward. Yet to master it.. But I know I will soon be there. Mom is worried that I am not sitting yet.. Don’t worry mom, I will do that too.

I have started eating solid foods. I eat rice with vegetables everyday. The other things I tasted are fruits yogurt, apple puree, orange and apple juices, sweet potatoes and of course formula milk. But of them all, mom’s milk is my favourite. :) I need mommy’s milk at least 4-5 times a day and specially when going to sleep. Not much trouble to suck from bottles or eat with spoons. I can drink in my sleep too.. he he he ;)

Mom takes me in the balcony for fresh air everyday and I love to see the car, buses, motorbikes, vans, bicycles down on the road. She tells me all about them. I specially love to see the li'l babies in their prams.

I love to sleep on my tummy these days. It makes my back cool.

Recently I have got a craze for youtube. I love watching “Macarena, Ketchup and Lambada” songs. I also like a lot of nursery rhymes. Mom sings for me so that I understand the words.Favourite among them are ”Alphabet song, Incy Wincy Spider, 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed, chubby cheeks, happy birthday” .. hmmm the list is a little long… Mom says ”I should sing the happy b'day song for my first bday”. There are six months more for me to practice.

Yes, I have also learnt some sign language. I can shake hands, give high-five, ask for milk, ask for more food, say no.. These days I am counting numbers with my fingers. I also understand “Come here, open your mouth, show tongue, touch, point to the pics, turn on your stomach, bath-time, sleep-time, nappy change time”.

Hello Everyone, Richie here

Hello dear people who read mama’s blog. I had written a blog when I was in Mama’s tummy (obviously my thoughts and mama’s hands). I hope you had liked it. I thought you may have missed me, so I am back again. You see I am growing up fast. I had been busy, getting used to the new environment and routines, learning new things.... and hence the delay. O my God!! Life is so complicated outside the womb. But at the same time, it is so much colorful and fun.And I am not alone anymore. Everybody loves me so much. I can play, shout, laugh and there is mom and dad to take part in it. I like the adventures. It is fun seeing and doing all the things I am doing now. I am 6 months now and mom says “I am a big boy now and I should do things on my own”. Do you think so? hmmmmmm.. maybe.. I am behaving myself. You know how much !! husssh husssh..
What was I doing all these days? Do you want to know?

I have learnt to play on my own.
I love to throw toys all over the place and then find them, or sometimes mom finds them for me.:)

I can hold my neck up strongly and can turn on my tummy and back.
I love rolling as it takes me to my destination faster and gives mama good exercise running after me. ;) he he he . Also it helps me to retrieve the toys I like or to go to the place where mom and dad are sitting. I give them nice surprises while they are working.

My best pastime is eating my toes… yeah they are very delicious ”in mama’s words”.ha ha ha…
I play with the ball everyday. I can hold it in-between my legs and get it to my hands. The other day I heard mom telling dad “I think he gonna be a great soccer player”..Well maybe.. I wanna be good at many things as possible. “Master of All trades”!! So I am practicing at an early age.

Mom and dad play peekaboo with me .. It is fun .. Lots of squealing and laughter goes on at that time. I enjoy it when from nowhere mom and dad suddenly appear..
Mom blows bubbles and dad and I have fun catching them.

Mom takes me to the park almost everyday in the evening.. I enjoy nature. The trees and the water.. there is a big fountain, river and the board walk and lots of children activities. I love to rock on the panda. Yet to sit play on the slide, swing, the boat, railway engine etc.
I have also made some friends.. they are girls but more than 3 years.. age doesn’t matter though;)

more in the next blog...

Home Sweet Home –Thirteenth week

As mentioned in my earlier blog trip abroad, we were home for holidays. It was a long but wonderful journey.

When we reached home,the joy on our parent’s faces knew no bounds. They were very happy to have their grandson home. More than us, it was Richie who got all the attention. They couldn’t have enough of him. He was the center of attraction.

Richie completed 3 months this week. His holidays were going good. He was happy with all the attention and pampering he was getting from everyone at home. Many relatives came to see the newborn in the family. The last baby in the family was born 3 years back so little Richie became the apple of everyones’s eyes. The other 4 older cousins were overjoyed to see a little baby. They were talking and singing nursery rhymes for him. Richie too was enjoying and responding to them with his cute sign language, smiles and cooing. There was an instant bond between them. As for me, I got some time out as he was well occupied with his new playmates and needed mom only for feeds and nappy changes. :)

The change of environment was doing Richie good. He was having good oil massage and bath from a professional person, daily. Even I was getting pampered. Mom made my favourite dishes and I relished them away to glory.

Richie’s Milestone in the thirteenth week:
- trying to turn on his own. He is holding his head well.
- he is catching his legs with his hands and playing... trying to eat his toes.:)
- he is looking at a small baby in a poster and talking a lot.. heard that babies like small babies pictures a lot.
- he is also giggling and shouting when we make funny faces... it is a sign that he understands and is reacting to new stuff.