O’ my Baby

As I was sitting and thinking of our baby, I happened to scribble down something for my little angel. Here are the few lines of my heartfelt feelings for my baby.

O’ my baby, you bring so much joy to my heart,
My heart fills with an immense sense of happiness.
I feel you moving in my womb,
And the thought of you inside me gives warmth to my heart.
The feeling that you are a part of me, moving and kicking seems like a miracle.

Sometimes I can hear you whispering to me,
Soft murmurs which only I can hear.
You know what is right for you,
And you take me to the place and I see.

When I talk to you, I can feel you smiling,
When I sing for you, you sing along with me
I feel your warmth as you feel mine,
I love you my darling and I will always love you thee.

I remember once I said “Why are you kicking so much, it hurts me”,
That day you got angry, and stopped talking to me.
I felt the pain then, and I realized,
How much you mean to me,
I said “Sorry my child” and loved you,
And you started kicking happily,
My joy knew no bounds when I felt you again and I said “No more getting angry on thee”.

You are now a part of my life,
And I am waiting to hold you in my arms,
O’ my baby, when will you show yourself to me.

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