Genki Family

The day I joined back office was an eventful day.

I was home for a year taking care of Richie and relaxing. The day finally dawned to join back work. I was happy, but at the same time apprehensive about how Richie will cope up with a whole day at the nursery, will he eat or not? how will the new work and my new office colleagues be etc. etc.

Dada dropped Richie to the nursery. Richie already had few practice sessions of going to the nursery before I joined office. So he kind of knew what it was, but not fully ready for it.

All these days the weather was good, in spite of it being winter, but that day, the temperature suddenly dropped in the afternoon and the weather forecast said that it was going to snow in the evening. Also it started raining and it was chilly and to top it all I had not worn suitable clothes when I left for office in the morning. The result was I caught a cold, and in a day or two my hubby and Richie too.

Whole 2 weeks we 3 suffered from terrible cold. I usually do not visit doctor for cold, but this case was different. Richie was down with fever almost every week. He would get better and after 2-3 days of tiredness at the nursery, he will fall sick again. I decided, nothing doing. I have to do something about it.

I knew how to cure myself. If I am happy (no stress), I know I can get well soon. I started the chant "Genki Family" which means Healthy family. I had heard, when you think positive thoughts, your mind becomes relaxed and relaxed mind helps to recover faster by healing your body.

Days followed and our health started improving. The weather was still cold but we were well equipped for it, mentally and physically.

Genki Family did work wonders for us and here I am hale and hearty, back to writing my blogs.

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