Do babies understand music?

The other day I thought I would show my baby what a guitar was and how it was played. He was around 2 months old. Actually I don’t know how to play it. But I thought to myself ”No worries, what will a baby understand? He just needs some sound”.:) I got the red Fender and showed it to my baby and started strumming the guitar with whatever I knew. He was happy to see it, but just turned away when I started playing it. I was a bit sad, wondering why my baby is not showing any interest.

Now my dear hubby who knows to play the chords came over. He was like, hmmm.. is it that he doesn’t like music or was it Mama not doing the right thing? He decided to give a try. And to our surprise baby started watching him and listening to him intently. He was giggling and throwing his hands and legs in the air hearing the songs. Whenever my hubby stopped he used to make sounds saying “I want more, I want more”. Oooops.. do babies know what is music? I was totally astonished looking at him. Never underestimate your baby. He may be keeping quiet, but he is listening to every word you say and every action you do. They are voracious learners.

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