Chasing Birdie

For Richie, weekends means park-time. Since we are both working now and Richie is in nursery, we make it a point to go to the park over weekends. He eagerly waits to go out with us. Specially, if dada starts dressing up, he gets excited and tries to put his shoes on. He will also keep an eye on dada to see whether he is still there or left without him. One day, while he was watching TV after dressing up (to go to the park),he suddenly realised dada is not around. He went searching for dada and when he found him, he heaved a sigh of relief haaaaaaaa.. literally he did that.. and we could not help laughing.

Now that he has started walking, he is having more fun running around. His favorite past-time is chasing birdies around, specially the pigeons who search for food on the ground and fly away when someone approaches them.

He also loves to sit on the Panda and go on the slide in the form of an elephant. Slide is exciting as the elephant takes him in and lets him out through his long nose. These days he sits on the swing too independently and tries to swing on his own by moving forward and backward.

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