Fatherhood – Diary of a dad

Thank you, Riya!

Well, hello everyone! As you can see from the URL, little did my wife know when she started this blog that I would also contribute to it someday. She was pleasantly surprised when I said to her the other day that I would also like to write some posts, from the perspective of a dad.

The truth is that I have been wanting to take the time out to write, ever since Richie was conceived one and a half years ago. Lots of sweet memories and loads of stuff to share, but time just flew by so fast. I plan to make some back-dated posts to make justice to those memories, especially for Richie to read about them. So, better late than never, I'm here to write about it all - from a dad about his son, from a dad to his son.

Consequently, I hope to be able to convince Richie's mom to change the title of this blog to include "fatherhood" as well, but that would not be fair until my contributions come anywhere close to the loads of stuff that Riya has already brought about.

As I am joining the good stuff that Riya has been carrying on with such dedication all this while, I look forward to us making this a complete experience - from a mom as well as from a dad, from the proud parents of our lovely baby boy, Richie.

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