Here are some of the things Richie is doing:
- scribbles on his magic board, does some abstract drawings. :)
- walks efficiently holding onto furniture
- blabbers a lot.
- says da-da-da and ma-ma-ma and looks at us while saying.
- understands commands like "Go and get the car, where is the pencil?".
- crawls rapidly like a jumping horse "thud thud thud".
- tries to imitate the cartoon sounds like "waaaaaaah, aaaaaaaaah" and smiles.
- has become dextrous with the pincer grasp, picks up tiny things from the floor and puts them in his mouth.
- can match few shapes .
- eats finger foods and drinks from the sipper cup by himself , helps me to relax a bit ;)
- Standing and balancing himself for few seconds.
- plays with push and pull toys
- likes to drive his car – groom, grooooooooom
- touches things in department stores (when sitting his baby car) and tries to throw them down. ;)
- co-operates while dressing up by putting his hands in the t-shirt.
- tries to feed himself with the spoon
- can build towers out of blocks.
- loves to play pee-ka-boo and so-big
- loves to listen to “the very hungry caterpillar“ and hello kitty adventures.
- laughs spontaneously if we start laughing.
- shows stranger anxiety and affection.
- loves the outdoors.
- loves birds and animals, tries to imitate bow-wow.
- opens books and reads through.
- starts a conversation between 2 animals.
- tries to talk on the phone.
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