Richie's favourite toys

Richie is 8.5 months old now. He has started having his collection of favourite things. Can you guess what they are? You might say, stuffed toys, cars, ball? No, those are not the ones. He is fascinated by the labels attached to the toys, pillow cases, bedsheets etc. He will sit holding and feeling them with his hand for a long time. After a while, whatever is in his hand, then goes in his mouth. He says "Mom, I just want to taste and check whether it is good." He is also exploring and checking the textures of different materials whether it is papers, cloth, books, plastic toys, strings etc.

While I am writing this he is playing in his bed. Wait a minute, he seems very quiet and sitting with his back towards me. Let me check. There he goes.... He found the label of a new stuffed toy I had given him today and is happily chewing away to glory.

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