Richie - 2 year milestones

Richie completed 2 years now. Wow, kids grow fast.He is going to Japanese nursery school and learning a lot of new stuff. So his language is a mixture os Japanese and English.As you are reading through, you will realise there are lot of cute lil expressions and words he uses in both the languages.
Here are some of things he loves to do:

  • running fast and balancing himself at turns.
  • kicking the ball well.
  • making a train out of chocolates, toys, pens etc.
  • balancing himself on a beam kept on ground.
  • eats well with a spoon and drinks from the cup by himself.
  • given a new toy, tries to figure out how it functions on his own.
  • plays board games using dice.
  • loves to draw with crayons.
  • loves listening to story books with pictures.
  • learnt the numbers from 1 -10 and says them loud.
  • loves to imitate dada and does sword fighting with him.
  • loves dancing and does steps based on the tempo and style of music.
  • creates and sings his own songs.
  • imitates action songs.
  • likes a lot of cartoons, Mickey mouse and club house, Winnie the pooh, Chip and dale, Mr. bean, Tom and jerry etc.
  • saying color words like aka(red), blue, elloello (yellow), purple, oelegole(orange), pink, black
  • saying body parts eyes, nose,mouth and pointing to all parts.
  • saying tshirt, pant, sheez.
  • saying apple,ba(nana),orange (oelegole), papaya and points to other fruits
  • greetings such as hello, hi , ba-bye.
  • saying ba for butterfly, bus, butter, bird, ball.
  • saying book and bookapeeka.
  • loves to play hide and seek.
  • loves when we say "yoidon (japanese)" and runs as fast as he can.
  • talking on the phone imitating us and saying "aah, mama, yes".
  • saying mama, dada, pa, ma, pooh, anpanman.
  • understands 2 sentences japanese and english commands (like, take the crayons and put them in the container).
  • says juice,cheeze,moon,sta (star),che(chair),water, con -for corn and coin, crock - for clock, crayon, color.
  • saying the letters O, T, P (pooh), J, I, K, G, M (mmm),B,D,R.
  • asking questions in japanese "dare - who is this?","Nani kore - What is this?"
  • saying tamachi,dangi or tom and jerry, dame da -Thatz bad, this.
  • ninjin - carrot
  • saying a strong no when he does not like or does not want to do something.