Here is Richie at 18 months.Maybe I am missing a few. Will add it up as I remember them.
- walks well and sometimes runs too - Started at 15.5 months
- learnt to say No and yes.
- shows strong likes and dislikes
- going to japanese nursery school and learns a lot of new stuff everyday and japanese words.
- points to things in the alphabet chart when called out.
- recognises and says few letters in the alphabet chart.
- makes 2-3 words sentences (which we cannot understand ).
- talks to himself while playing.
- plays on his own.
- dumps an object in imitation, such as throwing garbage away
- does some abstract drawings.
- says dada, mama and looks at us while saying.
- tries to imitate the dog sound "waaaaaaah, aaaaaaaaah" and smiles.
- trying to eat with spoon and drink from cup
- laughs spontaneously if we start laughing.
- starts a conversation between 2 animals.
- tries to talk on the phone.
- can match a lot of shapes, triangle, heart, square, star etc.
- plays with push and pull toys
- likes to drive his car – groom, grooooooooom
- loves to shop, puts the things he likes in the basket.
- can build towers out of blocks and makes trains.
- loves to play pee-ka-boo and so-big
- imitates action songs.
- solves puzzles.
- loves to listen to story books.
- co-operates while dressing up by putting his hands in the t-shirt.