New pearls seen
Richie, now shows off his 4 pearls when he smiles. He cut his 4th tooth as soon as he completed 8 months. 2 teeth of the lower jaw came out first and now the upper jaw ones. There are 2 more canine teeth trying to make their way out. His first 2 teeth were seen when he was six and half months old. It seems babies get cranky during teeth eruption. Luckily, Richie sailed through it with minor hiccups here and there.
Baby sitting on his own
"Yataaaa (Japanese phrase for 'to do')", he did it. Today Richie sat on his own. I witnessed it. I felt so very proud. What a beaming smile he gave me!!:)There was a sense of great achievement in his innocent smile. He looked happy and relaxed. He sounded confident and tried it a couple of times. I propped some pillows around him, just in case. As you know, moms are always the worried lot. ;)
Funtime - Playing in the park
After a long time, we thought of stretching our muscles a bit. So I and my hubby decided that we will play soccer in the park. Evening came and we all 3 marched to the park in our sportswear. We played whilst Richie sat in his stroller, watching and cheering us up. After a while, some kids also joined us. Richie was overjoyed and was almost jumping out of the stroller to play with us.
After coming home, I saw him laying on his back and kicking his plastic ball just the way we did. That was pretty fast for a 8 month old.
After coming home, I saw him laying on his back and kicking his plastic ball just the way we did. That was pretty fast for a 8 month old.
pregnancy, child care, baby, labor, delivery
Baby's first year of life,
fun activities,
Practicing hard to sit on his own
Richie is trying his best to sit on his own. Everyday he practices by putting weight on his hands and pushing himself up. He is almost there. Just needs to shift his leg position once he gains control. 1 week back, he was in his bed, and I was in the kitchen. When I turned back, he was sitting and smiling at me. I don’t know how he did it, maybe took support of the pillows or side of the bed. But there he was smiling and saying “Mama, look, I sat on my own”. He is 8 months 8 days old now. Maybe a bit late to achieve this milestone as compared to other babies. But every child is unique. He is developing his language skills better than gross motor skills.
He is very eager to achieve this milestone of sitting up on his own. I have noticed that if he cannot do something, he puts in every effort to reach it. The coolest part is he even gets up from his sleep and keeps trying as if sleep walking. He feels desperate and cries when he cannot do it. But he doesn’t give up. He did the same thing when he wanted to turn on his tummy. I know he is close and will reach his target soon.
He is very eager to achieve this milestone of sitting up on his own. I have noticed that if he cannot do something, he puts in every effort to reach it. The coolest part is he even gets up from his sleep and keeps trying as if sleep walking. He feels desperate and cries when he cannot do it. But he doesn’t give up. He did the same thing when he wanted to turn on his tummy. I know he is close and will reach his target soon.
Wonderful things about being a mom to Richie
Richie has completed 8 months and life feels wonderful as a mom. Yes, credit definitely goes to Richie. He does so many wonderful things. With Richie in my life, everyday is a happening one and is different. To jot down a few things,
-Richie has a very understanding nature. If we tell him to do something, chances are that 90% he will listen.
-he is a sweet little angel and I love when he looks into my eyes and smiles when I am holding him close to me.
-he gives tight velcro hugs and wet kisses.
-he laughs when we crack a joke as if he understood everything.
-he has started taking part in adult conversation and he starts blabbering to gain attention when we talk.
-in him, I find at least one fan follower, who giggles and laughs when I sing and dance.
-he is my partner to play with the ball and to blow bubbles.
-he is my friend to go for walks in the park.
-when I talk to him, he does 'uuuunnn','huunn' as if he is listening to me.
I hope days go on smoothly like this and with every passing day, Richie grows to be a strong, talented and a happy kid.
-Richie has a very understanding nature. If we tell him to do something, chances are that 90% he will listen.
-he is a sweet little angel and I love when he looks into my eyes and smiles when I am holding him close to me.
-he gives tight velcro hugs and wet kisses.
-he laughs when we crack a joke as if he understood everything.
-he has started taking part in adult conversation and he starts blabbering to gain attention when we talk.
-in him, I find at least one fan follower, who giggles and laughs when I sing and dance.
-he is my partner to play with the ball and to blow bubbles.
-he is my friend to go for walks in the park.
-when I talk to him, he does 'uuuunnn','huunn' as if he is listening to me.
I hope days go on smoothly like this and with every passing day, Richie grows to be a strong, talented and a happy kid.
What to do when babies are not eating?
Richie wakes up in the morning and makes a fuss to have milk. It almost takes 1-2 hours by the time he finishes just 100 ml of milk. We could not go anywhere in the mornings as we used to get delayed on account of this. Recently I got a nice idea. As soon as he gets up, I dress him up, take all his food stuff and go to the park. He loves nature and feels hungry after a good round in the park. And the very good thing is, he gulps down whatever comes in his mouth. ;)
It works wonders to take babies outside. They feel good in the fresh air and come home refreshed. It is like killing 2 birds in one stone.
It works wonders to take babies outside. They feel good in the fresh air and come home refreshed. It is like killing 2 birds in one stone.
We had fun - 7 months 26 days
Today was yet another lovely day. Richie and I had fun. We usually sleep in the afternoons and by the time we wake up, it is late in the evening. Though I decide to take him to the park, we hardly manage to do so.
But it was different today. It is the onset of Autumn and the weather was wonderful. Soon after lunch, I decided, let us go out. I had my Japanese classes at Kumon center, hence I had no excuses whatsoever. The timings are flexible and it becomes easier for me to attend it. Richie sat with me during the class. He behaved well, except for some minor hitches. The class is one-to-one, so it is no problem. He felt asleep during the class so it was good for me.
After the class was over, I took him to a Jidokan - day-care center where mother and baby can play together. He had fun playing with the toys and rocking on the chair. He was smiling when the other ladies were talking to me in Japanese. I guess he likes the language.
Later we went to the park. He met his 4 girlfriends and was happily playing with them.
We came home and I thought he will fall asleep the moment he touches the bed. But I was wrong. He was still playing. He had milk and apple and after a long time he is sleeping now. And I am writing this blog to remember this memorable day.
But it was different today. It is the onset of Autumn and the weather was wonderful. Soon after lunch, I decided, let us go out. I had my Japanese classes at Kumon center, hence I had no excuses whatsoever. The timings are flexible and it becomes easier for me to attend it. Richie sat with me during the class. He behaved well, except for some minor hitches. The class is one-to-one, so it is no problem. He felt asleep during the class so it was good for me.
After the class was over, I took him to a Jidokan - day-care center where mother and baby can play together. He had fun playing with the toys and rocking on the chair. He was smiling when the other ladies were talking to me in Japanese. I guess he likes the language.
Later we went to the park. He met his 4 girlfriends and was happily playing with them.
We came home and I thought he will fall asleep the moment he touches the bed. But I was wrong. He was still playing. He had milk and apple and after a long time he is sleeping now. And I am writing this blog to remember this memorable day.
Mirror, Mirror, have I changed?
Some babies are born bald, some have little hair and some are gifted with a lot of hair. Maybe the environment plays a vital role or is it hereditary? I don't know. When Richie was born, he had lot of hair. We used to have trouble drying his hair after bath. It seems that baby's head is soft and care should be taken not to cause any harm.
Now Richie is 7.5 months old. As his lustrous hair were dangling down, everyone thought he was a girl.:) He used to pull his hair because they were causing hindrance, by going in his eyes and ears. We decided to give him some relief. My hubby was the best barber we could get. :) So we put on his favourite music and made him sit and started giving him a trim. Richie is a very curious and a sensitive baby. We had just started triming, he realised something is fishy. He started turning and seeing what is happening on top of his head. We struggled for 1 hour, but in vain. We barely could managed a little. After all the tiring work, he started feeling sleepy. That was a good chance. We let him sleep away to glory. My hubby managed to do the work. When Richie woke up, we showed him the mirror and he started staring at himself, as if saying "Mirror, mirror, have I changed?"
Now Richie is 7.5 months old. As his lustrous hair were dangling down, everyone thought he was a girl.:) He used to pull his hair because they were causing hindrance, by going in his eyes and ears. We decided to give him some relief. My hubby was the best barber we could get. :) So we put on his favourite music and made him sit and started giving him a trim. Richie is a very curious and a sensitive baby. We had just started triming, he realised something is fishy. He started turning and seeing what is happening on top of his head. We struggled for 1 hour, but in vain. We barely could managed a little. After all the tiring work, he started feeling sleepy. That was a good chance. We let him sleep away to glory. My hubby managed to do the work. When Richie woke up, we showed him the mirror and he started staring at himself, as if saying "Mirror, mirror, have I changed?"
Fun with precrawl exercise - 7 months 15 days
Richie is now sitting unsupported when kept on the floor.He has completed 32 weeks i.e 7 and half months. Though he is not yet sitting on his own,he is doing his "precrawl" exercise, rocking back and forth on hands and knees with his trunk parallel to the floor. He gets excited and giggles and laughs. I kept some toys in front of him (a little out of reach) and he went a few paces on his fours and got it too. I felt really proud of him.
It seems most babies begin to crawl between 7 and 10 months. A few never crawl at all and bide their time until they're ready to walk!
It seems most babies begin to crawl between 7 and 10 months. A few never crawl at all and bide their time until they're ready to walk!
DPT vaccination - second dose
DPT refers to a class of combination vaccines against three infectious diseases in humans: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus.
Richie had his 2nd dose of the DPT vaccination 2 weeks back.It was a weekend and hence his daddy too accompanied us. He screamed loudly when he got the shot and my heart just skipped a beat. Good that my hubby was there for support.
The following week he seemed a bit colic. Maybe side effects of the vaccination. No major problems though.
Richie had his 2nd dose of the DPT vaccination 2 weeks back.It was a weekend and hence his daddy too accompanied us. He screamed loudly when he got the shot and my heart just skipped a beat. Good that my hubby was there for support.
The following week he seemed a bit colic. Maybe side effects of the vaccination. No major problems though.
Sitting Without Support - 7 months 12 Days
Days were passing very fast and Richie had completed 7 months. He was not ready to sit unsupported yet. I had read that babies start sitting on their own at 6 months and here my baby was going plop on the floor as soon as I left my hands. My hubby was reassuring and telling me not to worry saying he will take his own pace. I guess mothers are always the worried lot. ;)
Yeah, actually babies reach different milestones at different times. No 2 babies are exactly the same. Some start rolling over fast, some directly walk rather than crawling. So there is absolutely no need to worry. And the most important thing is "Do not compare your baby to others". Just provide your baby with the necessary love and care and see him/her growing stronger day by day.
Richie is a healthy baby. He started rolling on to the tummy at 4 months and rolling in both directions at 6 months. And I guess he was happy rolling over and reaching his destination. Maybe he didn't feel the need to do otherwise. So in order to achieve his new milestone, Richie and I did a lot of sitting sessions and playing on the floor. We taught him how to hold his hands on the floor for support. Slowly he started getting the confidence in himself. Now he sits unsupported playing with his toys. And he has started loving it... to sit just like all of us. He looks at us and smiles. Maybe he gets a sense of independence.
Yeah, actually babies reach different milestones at different times. No 2 babies are exactly the same. Some start rolling over fast, some directly walk rather than crawling. So there is absolutely no need to worry. And the most important thing is "Do not compare your baby to others". Just provide your baby with the necessary love and care and see him/her growing stronger day by day.
Richie is a healthy baby. He started rolling on to the tummy at 4 months and rolling in both directions at 6 months. And I guess he was happy rolling over and reaching his destination. Maybe he didn't feel the need to do otherwise. So in order to achieve his new milestone, Richie and I did a lot of sitting sessions and playing on the floor. We taught him how to hold his hands on the floor for support. Slowly he started getting the confidence in himself. Now he sits unsupported playing with his toys. And he has started loving it... to sit just like all of us. He looks at us and smiles. Maybe he gets a sense of independence.
I got the joke Dada!!
Richie was 30 weeks old, almost close to his 7 month mark. He was playing with the ball holding it between his legs and passing it to his hands with great diligence. I and my hubby were talking and happened to joke about something and we were in laughter. Hearing us, Richie also started laughing (shouting loudly) as if he too had got the joke. This was the first time he was laughing so spontaneously upon hearing us laugh loudly. It was funny!! :) And did we think he was happily playing alone? He was keenly listening to what mom and dad were talking. I had read that babies start participating in adult jokes at this age. I experienced it myself too.
Trip To ShibaKoen park in Japan

Richie loves nature and enjoys the outdoors. We went for an outing to Shibakoen - a Japanese garden, last weekend. The park is densely populated with trees and winding pathways. You can also get a good view of the Tokyo tower from the park. We had a relaxing time sitting on the lawn in the open park.

When Richie was put on the lawn, he shouted because it was poking him. Later he liked it and was even trying to pull some out.;) He loves to feel the different textures of things. The lawn was a new experience for him.
Kumon - pursuing my Japanese studies
My baby has grown up and has become very loving and understanding. Though there are times when he throws tantrums, he is well-behaved most of the time.
After 7.5 months of hiatus, I decided to do some new activity. I thought I will pursue my Japanese studies. I inquired at the KUMON centre for Japanese studies. They said that I could join them after giving a test to check my current level of Japanese. Now the point was, who will take care of my baby while I am away. It was getting difficult to find day-care centre in the place where I live, as they are already fully occupied. When I asked the teacher, she said I can keep my baby near me in the class. So that was it. Richie and I are both learning Japanese together. He loves to be in the class, watching what people are doing and learning Japanese too. It is like 2 people are studying in the cost of 1 (just kidding);).
Features of the Kumon Japanese Language Program (taken from the site)
The learning materials are designed for self-study.
Each student can study the level that suits his or her current ability.
The course is broken into small steps, for faster understanding and advancement.
The materials are aimed at developing reading comprehension skills.
Students obtain a high level of proficiency in Japanese.
The basis of the program is home study.
The course can be taken either in class or through correspondence.
Students can start at any time.
For people who would like to join KUMON in Japan, here is a link for you.
Kumon - Japanese Learning Program
Also you can make your inquiries for free at the below given number.
Toll free: 0120-494625 (9:20 ~ 17:45)
Available in Japanese, English, Portuguese, Chinese and Korean.
3F Gobancho Grand Bldg., 3-1 Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 〒102-0076
Fax: 03-3234-4389 E-mail:
After 7.5 months of hiatus, I decided to do some new activity. I thought I will pursue my Japanese studies. I inquired at the KUMON centre for Japanese studies. They said that I could join them after giving a test to check my current level of Japanese. Now the point was, who will take care of my baby while I am away. It was getting difficult to find day-care centre in the place where I live, as they are already fully occupied. When I asked the teacher, she said I can keep my baby near me in the class. So that was it. Richie and I are both learning Japanese together. He loves to be in the class, watching what people are doing and learning Japanese too. It is like 2 people are studying in the cost of 1 (just kidding);).
Features of the Kumon Japanese Language Program (taken from the site)
The learning materials are designed for self-study.
Each student can study the level that suits his or her current ability.
The course is broken into small steps, for faster understanding and advancement.
The materials are aimed at developing reading comprehension skills.
Students obtain a high level of proficiency in Japanese.
The basis of the program is home study.
The course can be taken either in class or through correspondence.
Students can start at any time.
For people who would like to join KUMON in Japan, here is a link for you.
Kumon - Japanese Learning Program
Also you can make your inquiries for free at the below given number.
Toll free: 0120-494625 (9:20 ~ 17:45)
Available in Japanese, English, Portuguese, Chinese and Korean.
3F Gobancho Grand Bldg., 3-1 Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 〒102-0076
Fax: 03-3234-4389 E-mail:
How smart can a baby be?
Many a times Richie and I play peekaboo. He just loves the game. If he gets bored, I start it and instantly his face lights up. It does not require expensive toys and it is fun to play. Sometimes I just keep hands on my face, or pull a cloth or sometimes hold his favourite teddy. If I am close to him he pulls the object and starts squealing, indicating that he found mama. Sometimes I hide behind the door and he gets startled when I suddenly jump out.
Yesterday Richie did an interesting thing. There is a dressing table in our bedroom and Richie loves to see his reflection in the mirror. He was on the bed and I was in the outer room near the door. While playing, I suddenly jumped out as usual and this guy was cool. I was surprised. I tried it again. And he just looked at me and smiled. Later, I noticed that this guy was looking in the mirror and finding out where mom was. The angle of the mirror is such that you can see the outer room easily. I just could not help laughing over the incident. I was fooled by this smart little boy of mine.
Yesterday Richie did an interesting thing. There is a dressing table in our bedroom and Richie loves to see his reflection in the mirror. He was on the bed and I was in the outer room near the door. While playing, I suddenly jumped out as usual and this guy was cool. I was surprised. I tried it again. And he just looked at me and smiled. Later, I noticed that this guy was looking in the mirror and finding out where mom was. The angle of the mirror is such that you can see the outer room easily. I just could not help laughing over the incident. I was fooled by this smart little boy of mine.
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