This week we are traveling home with Richie, to meet our parents who are eagerly waiting to see Richie. All were pretty excited.
We had a visit to doctor’s place as Richie had li’l cold. Doctor said the cold was just starting so it should be fine with the medicines. After coming home, Richie played for more than 1.5 hrs with me singing lots of songs for him. Dada took leave and played the guitar for Richie. He loved it and was listening to him carefully. :) He was also looking at the Alphabet pictures on the wall with me guiding him through it.
I started with packing, with Richie’s things taking more than half my suitcase.:)The last day before travel became very hectic. First time for Richie and first time for me as well . :)
The day dawned and we set out for our long trip of more than 18 hours. Since he is just about 3 months, he was fully dependent on breastfeed. Bottle milk was a big no-no. We boarded the flight. Now was the real test during take-off. I had heard that babies cry a lot during take-off and landing as their ears start paining. They should be given something to chew. We had kept lollipops ready for him. During take-off, we noticed Richie sucking his fingers. His habit was a blessing in disguise. He had no problems whatsoever. He then started watching the small TV in the flight. It was a nice sight. He is so used to youtube that he loves to see the colorful moving objects. When the food was served, Richie was smelling the food and drooling :) It was too much for him, seeing all the people around him having food and he did not have anything. ;) We offered him the lollipop and he chewed it with relish. Overall it was a good journey with Richie sleeping most of the time.
It was summer time in our home-town and the weather was extremely hot. Since Richie was born in peak winter, he loves the cold and this was just the opposite for him. He took a while to adjust himself to the scorching heat. But he started enjoying himself so much in the company of his cousins, that he forgot the heat completely. 2 days after reaching home, Richie had his first dose of heptatis-B and oral polio vaccination. He cried and was angry with the doctor for injecting him. :) But then, all is well that ends well. The pain disappeared soon and he was back to playing and having fun.
Trip abroad – twelfth week
pregnancy, child care, baby, labor, delivery
Baby's first year of life,
The Super Mom
If you are a working or a non-working mom, you have to develop multi-tasking skills. We are the project managers, the financial ministers of our home and we have to see to it that every task is executed successfully. There is no room for delays and errors. Else you get lots of complains. ;)
Agreed that working moms may have added responsibilities, but when you are full-time moms you tend to do extra activities of taking care of everything at home. From the start of the day, we are busy juggling and getting things done right from breakfast, laundary, cleaning, cooking, checking bills, food stock etc etc. The list is endless. On the baby side, preparing baby food, feeding, diapering, bearing up with tantrums during feeding and otherwise etc. We feel we have to make everyone happy. We want to get most of the things done in the few hours we have. Sometimes I feel, “I wish I had more time”. I would rightly give the title “SUPER MOM” to all of us.
Do you think it is worth it? No doubt about it!! It is worth every second. The joy you see on your baby’s face wipes out all the tiredness. The love and laughter makes you do more and more for him. The hugs and the wet kisses on your cheeks are enough to get you rolling…. These days will pass soon.. There won’t be these tiring days and mind you…there won’t be these hugs and kisses too. So make the best of these lovely days.
Though I am saying all this, do not be a SUPER MOM all the time by doing everything on your own. We tend to get so engrossed with home and children that we loose touch with ourselves. Ask for help whenever required, maybe from your hubby, your parents, your friend or a good old neighbour. Take time out for yourself too, so that you feel rejuvenated and can shoulder responsibilities in a better way.
Agreed that working moms may have added responsibilities, but when you are full-time moms you tend to do extra activities of taking care of everything at home. From the start of the day, we are busy juggling and getting things done right from breakfast, laundary, cleaning, cooking, checking bills, food stock etc etc. The list is endless. On the baby side, preparing baby food, feeding, diapering, bearing up with tantrums during feeding and otherwise etc. We feel we have to make everyone happy. We want to get most of the things done in the few hours we have. Sometimes I feel, “I wish I had more time”. I would rightly give the title “SUPER MOM” to all of us.
Do you think it is worth it? No doubt about it!! It is worth every second. The joy you see on your baby’s face wipes out all the tiredness. The love and laughter makes you do more and more for him. The hugs and the wet kisses on your cheeks are enough to get you rolling…. These days will pass soon.. There won’t be these tiring days and mind you…there won’t be these hugs and kisses too. So make the best of these lovely days.
Though I am saying all this, do not be a SUPER MOM all the time by doing everything on your own. We tend to get so engrossed with home and children that we loose touch with ourselves. Ask for help whenever required, maybe from your hubby, your parents, your friend or a good old neighbour. Take time out for yourself too, so that you feel rejuvenated and can shoulder responsibilities in a better way.
Pop, Puussh- The Funny side :)
Richie does funny little things sometimes. When he grows up and reads this, he is gonna give me a good stare for revealing things about him. ;) Sorry Son!! ;) Ok, now what is it he does? At 2 weeks, when we were all sitting in the room and watching TV with Richie, we heard a loud “POP, PUUUUUUSSHH”. All started wondering where it came from. After some time it went again.. and everybody realized it came in the direction where Richie was …. And what was it? Richie was farting .. gossssh… maybe something in the milk made him gassy.. poor guy.. all were laughing and he did not know that he had all of us in fits of laughter..
It is said that whatever a mother eats affects the baby when he/she is breastfeeding. Care should be taken not to eat stuff which will make the baby feel gassy. Many a times, Richie used to refuse to drink milk.. now I know why? I guess babies feel the stomach pain and express it by crying or by not drinking milk. Nowadays he is doing great and is happy as there are no sounds. ;)
It is said that whatever a mother eats affects the baby when he/she is breastfeeding. Care should be taken not to eat stuff which will make the baby feel gassy. Many a times, Richie used to refuse to drink milk.. now I know why? I guess babies feel the stomach pain and express it by crying or by not drinking milk. Nowadays he is doing great and is happy as there are no sounds. ;)
pregnancy, child care, baby, labor, delivery
Baby's first year of life,
lighter side
Cherry Blossom – Eleventh week
Richie just completed 10 weeks. He is growing into a happy and energetic baby.He tried to turn after we gave him an oil massage today. One more step towards mobility. Good progress!! :) His demand for milk is increasing day by day and I am trying my best to eat healthy stuff which will help to produce good milk. I do not want to give too much of formula milk in the first 3 months. Not that there is anything bad, it is just my personal choice. 
We had our common friends visiting us this week. They came with their 3.5 years old sweet daughter. They got a educational toy where a 6 month old can match shapes and colors. The little girl entertained Richie by singing nursery rhymes "twinkle twinkle little star " etc. Richie was happy to see a little girl (at least someone close to his age) and was listening intently and moving his hands and legs.
This week was travel time.We went to a faraway park to watch cherry blossom with Richie. It was a breathtaking sight. The trees with fully laden with white flowers and the people sitting under it and having a gala time. Though the place was crowded, Richie did not show any stranger anxiety. This was Richie’s first trip by train . Though he did not understand much, he was etching all what he is seeing and experiencing, deep down in his heart.
I feel so great recording all his FIRST TIME activities. Thatz what parenthood is all about. You get a front row seat to history to witness the first smile, first step, first word,….. the list is endless.. I am filled with emotions when I am writing this.. Our baby makes us feel so proud. And these blogs I am writing here… he is the inspiration for it all.. My love just flows of him.. How he amazes me all the time!! A little wonder in our lives!!

We had our common friends visiting us this week. They came with their 3.5 years old sweet daughter. They got a educational toy where a 6 month old can match shapes and colors. The little girl entertained Richie by singing nursery rhymes "twinkle twinkle little star " etc. Richie was happy to see a little girl (at least someone close to his age) and was listening intently and moving his hands and legs.
This week was travel time.We went to a faraway park to watch cherry blossom with Richie. It was a breathtaking sight. The trees with fully laden with white flowers and the people sitting under it and having a gala time. Though the place was crowded, Richie did not show any stranger anxiety. This was Richie’s first trip by train . Though he did not understand much, he was etching all what he is seeing and experiencing, deep down in his heart.
I feel so great recording all his FIRST TIME activities. Thatz what parenthood is all about. You get a front row seat to history to witness the first smile, first step, first word,….. the list is endless.. I am filled with emotions when I am writing this.. Our baby makes us feel so proud. And these blogs I am writing here… he is the inspiration for it all.. My love just flows of him.. How he amazes me all the time!! A little wonder in our lives!!
pregnancy, child care, baby, labor, delivery
Baby's first year of life,
Love in the air - Tenth week
With our baby around, it is always “Love” in the air. I try to make the best use of the time he is alert and awake to teach him new things.
I noticed that Richie has started to soothe himself when we are not around. He puts his fingers in his mouth and falls back to sleep. What a boon it is for us!! You guys will say how lucky we are!! Indeed yes. I am blessed!!:) But someday soon, when he grows up a little I will try to break up this habit. Sometimes finger sucking may also mean he is hungry or thirsty. I see to it that he is fed every 2-3 hours so there is no misunderstanding.
We had dada’s friend visiting us this week. He brought a lovely gift, disney’s play mat and a gym for Richie. When we put Richie on it, he was first quiet and not willing to play there. Later when we too started playing with him, he was fine. We have noticed that he has this habit of first getting to know if it is a new person or thing and then if it is good, then he will decide to change his mind. We do not force anything on him and let him take his time and make his own decisions.
It was spring time with the cheery blossom. The weather was beautiful and hence we thought of taking a walk in the nearby parks. We put Richie in the baby carrier, with me holding him close to my heart.:) We had a nice 2 hours walk. On the way, we checked out nursery for Richie. We also went to mama-baby child care center, where we could go and play together. No fees charged. As Richie is already 2.5 months old, we thought the childcare center will help Richie to interact with other kids of his age. Socializing is very good for development.
Richie got cold and cough and hence we took him to the doctor. Since we were suppose to travel soon, we did not want to take any risk. Richie gave a broad smile to the doctor. Maybe he likes him as the doctor talks and smiles at him. The doctor said that our baby is gaining weight steadily. Things are good and always keep up the good spirits.
I have learnt to relax with baby unlike the first month where I used to get tensed for every small thing. We have come to understand each other and learning more with each passing day.
I noticed that Richie has started to soothe himself when we are not around. He puts his fingers in his mouth and falls back to sleep. What a boon it is for us!! You guys will say how lucky we are!! Indeed yes. I am blessed!!:) But someday soon, when he grows up a little I will try to break up this habit. Sometimes finger sucking may also mean he is hungry or thirsty. I see to it that he is fed every 2-3 hours so there is no misunderstanding.
We had dada’s friend visiting us this week. He brought a lovely gift, disney’s play mat and a gym for Richie. When we put Richie on it, he was first quiet and not willing to play there. Later when we too started playing with him, he was fine. We have noticed that he has this habit of first getting to know if it is a new person or thing and then if it is good, then he will decide to change his mind. We do not force anything on him and let him take his time and make his own decisions.
It was spring time with the cheery blossom. The weather was beautiful and hence we thought of taking a walk in the nearby parks. We put Richie in the baby carrier, with me holding him close to my heart.:) We had a nice 2 hours walk. On the way, we checked out nursery for Richie. We also went to mama-baby child care center, where we could go and play together. No fees charged. As Richie is already 2.5 months old, we thought the childcare center will help Richie to interact with other kids of his age. Socializing is very good for development.
Richie got cold and cough and hence we took him to the doctor. Since we were suppose to travel soon, we did not want to take any risk. Richie gave a broad smile to the doctor. Maybe he likes him as the doctor talks and smiles at him. The doctor said that our baby is gaining weight steadily. Things are good and always keep up the good spirits.
I have learnt to relax with baby unlike the first month where I used to get tensed for every small thing. We have come to understand each other and learning more with each passing day.
pregnancy, child care, baby, labor, delivery
baby development,
Baby's first year of life,
Talking Time - Ninth week
This week we had a lovely treat from Richie which I am going to cherish for ages. :) He was in a great mood and for the first time I saw him cooing, giggling and saying words like "howu, baaabaa, hiiii etc" . He was playing with his hands and legs in the air, smiling, laughing and responding to what I was saying. I was too excited hearing him. What more will a mother ask from her baby at this age? It was a wonderful sight. He is barely nine weeks old, just completed 2 months and I get such special treats. I took lots of photos and videos. He knows when we click photos and he models for the camera. He looks straight in the camera curious to know how he is appearing.;)
He now holds his head high, better than earlier when we put him on the stomach. He has also started listening and watching nursery rhymes for a longer period of time.
Another special thing this week was that, Richie held the teething toy in his hand and was trying to shake it. It was one more of his achievements, being able to hold things. But he hit his face with it not having control on his hands yet.
We also went to the park and I played volleyball with some friends while Richie sat in his pram watching us. We then had a nice photoshoot.
On the eating front, Richie is a foodie like his mom I guess. He tasted orange juice and was asking for more.:)
On one occasion, dada went for a office get-together and this boy of ours waited till dada returned and was smiling at him. He was then telling dada stories of the days happening with his “aaaa, aaaaa, uuuu, hoowwuuu ” and listening to him. It was too sweet. We could not help smiling. Although dada was sleepy, our angel was not ready to sleep. I must say he loves his dada a lot. I was watching them and cherishing all these lovely moments in my heart.
Over the weekend, I went shopping. As I am going to my native soon, I bought gifts for home and clothes for Richie. While I was away, my hubby was taking care of Richie alone and he had a tough time handling him. Maybe he just got hungry.When I came back Richie gave me a nice smile as if saying, "Mama welcome back!!" which melted my heart.
This week, I went to the visa office to submit documents for Richie’s visa. Once it is ready, we will be going home. It will be the first long trip for Richie and that too in the flight. I heard that babies cry a lot in the flights during take-off and landing. I hope everything goes on well.
He now holds his head high, better than earlier when we put him on the stomach. He has also started listening and watching nursery rhymes for a longer period of time.
Another special thing this week was that, Richie held the teething toy in his hand and was trying to shake it. It was one more of his achievements, being able to hold things. But he hit his face with it not having control on his hands yet.
We also went to the park and I played volleyball with some friends while Richie sat in his pram watching us. We then had a nice photoshoot.
On the eating front, Richie is a foodie like his mom I guess. He tasted orange juice and was asking for more.:)
On one occasion, dada went for a office get-together and this boy of ours waited till dada returned and was smiling at him. He was then telling dada stories of the days happening with his “aaaa, aaaaa, uuuu, hoowwuuu ” and listening to him. It was too sweet. We could not help smiling. Although dada was sleepy, our angel was not ready to sleep. I must say he loves his dada a lot. I was watching them and cherishing all these lovely moments in my heart.
Over the weekend, I went shopping. As I am going to my native soon, I bought gifts for home and clothes for Richie. While I was away, my hubby was taking care of Richie alone and he had a tough time handling him. Maybe he just got hungry.When I came back Richie gave me a nice smile as if saying, "Mama welcome back!!" which melted my heart.
This week, I went to the visa office to submit documents for Richie’s visa. Once it is ready, we will be going home. It will be the first long trip for Richie and that too in the flight. I heard that babies cry a lot in the flights during take-off and landing. I hope everything goes on well.
pregnancy, child care, baby, labor, delivery
Baby's first year of life,
talking time
Richie, the social baby- Eighth week
Every week there is something new happening and it is a wonderful sign of my baby’s development. This week’s developments were cool. We saw one more new side of Richie.
I showed Richie his first day video in the hospital where he was drinking bottle milk and he could not help admiring himself. ;) it was too cute to watch him stare at himself as if seeing his own mirror image. I could not help wondering whether he realized it was him.. whatever it was he definitely liked the person in the video. ;)
He has now learnt to look in the direction of sounds (music, people voices) etc and react to it.
Since it is sunny and hot these days, we thought we could cool ourselves with some ice-cream. While we were eating, this little cutie started looking at us with a relishing look. We gave him a little taste of it.. and he relished it licking his lips and sticking his tongue out for more.. He made “TUCKU TUCKU” sounds and was smiling away to glory. Who wouldn't like ice-creams? The sweet and the cold taste on the tongue? This was the second solid food for him, the first being his 1 month birthday cake cream.
On a weekend, we put Richie in his baby car (pram) and took him for a ride to a nearby park which has a lovely fountain.This was his first ride in his baby car. My hubby and I played frisbee while Richie watched us. He was sleeping like a prince in his gold car (the pram color is gold). He becomes happy when we go out. I guess babies love the green trees and the cool breeze. He looks when we talk to new people and admires them. He is not afraid of strangers.
We had visitors this week. One of my friend with her 3 year old daughter came home. They brought t-shirts, teething toy, socks and bibs for Richie. Lucky guy.!! The daughter played with Richie a lot. They stayed for more than 3 hours. I was surprised Richie did not cry for his feed. How could he stay hungry for such a long time? The next day we had one more friend coming over with her 4 month old son. We share a lot of baby stories and advice as the age difference of our babies is not much. Now now!! My friend stayed for lunch and went home in the evening. This little boy of mine hardly drank milk, conscious of the new people around. Hmmmm, thatz when I realized. He is a social person and knows how to behave when guest are around. He remains quiet till they are around and then does his share of naughtiness. SMART BOY!! I wonder who taught him all that..? Is it inbuilt in babies?
I showed Richie his first day video in the hospital where he was drinking bottle milk and he could not help admiring himself. ;) it was too cute to watch him stare at himself as if seeing his own mirror image. I could not help wondering whether he realized it was him.. whatever it was he definitely liked the person in the video. ;)
He has now learnt to look in the direction of sounds (music, people voices) etc and react to it.
Since it is sunny and hot these days, we thought we could cool ourselves with some ice-cream. While we were eating, this little cutie started looking at us with a relishing look. We gave him a little taste of it.. and he relished it licking his lips and sticking his tongue out for more.. He made “TUCKU TUCKU” sounds and was smiling away to glory. Who wouldn't like ice-creams? The sweet and the cold taste on the tongue? This was the second solid food for him, the first being his 1 month birthday cake cream.
On a weekend, we put Richie in his baby car (pram) and took him for a ride to a nearby park which has a lovely fountain.This was his first ride in his baby car. My hubby and I played frisbee while Richie watched us. He was sleeping like a prince in his gold car (the pram color is gold). He becomes happy when we go out. I guess babies love the green trees and the cool breeze. He looks when we talk to new people and admires them. He is not afraid of strangers.

We had visitors this week. One of my friend with her 3 year old daughter came home. They brought t-shirts, teething toy, socks and bibs for Richie. Lucky guy.!! The daughter played with Richie a lot. They stayed for more than 3 hours. I was surprised Richie did not cry for his feed. How could he stay hungry for such a long time? The next day we had one more friend coming over with her 4 month old son. We share a lot of baby stories and advice as the age difference of our babies is not much. Now now!! My friend stayed for lunch and went home in the evening. This little boy of mine hardly drank milk, conscious of the new people around. Hmmmm, thatz when I realized. He is a social person and knows how to behave when guest are around. He remains quiet till they are around and then does his share of naughtiness. SMART BOY!! I wonder who taught him all that..? Is it inbuilt in babies?
pregnancy, child care, baby, labor, delivery
Baby's first year of life,
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