Richie is in his seventh week. Days are passing so fast. Soon it will be 2 months for him. Richie loves to move his hands and legs in the air and entertains himself and us too. He has learnt to play on his own which is a good thing for us. Whenever I sing nursery rhymes, he becomes excited and dances moving his hands and legs happily. The song “Ency weency spider” is his favourite one. Whenever he is crying I sing it and he becomes quiet and listens intently.
One of these nights, Richie slept for 4 hrs continuously, which was very unusual for him as he used to wake up every 2-3 hours for his feed. Afraid that he might be hungry I woke him up to feed him.;) and guess what when I told my mom, she started laughing. She said after the first few weeks, babies sleep for a longer time in the night. I was happy to hear that and welcoming the lovely change in Richie.
He has started recognizing our faces. When we enter the room he gives a cute smile and when we leave he makes a sad face and starts crying. He likes the sound of the wind chimes and giggles and smiles when it makes sound. We put him in a cradle and he swings happily even when he is hungry. Ha ha ha ha.. ..
This week, Richie and I went to the park. This was his first visit to the park. It was a sunny day and Richie enjoyed himself, but slept soon due to the lovely breeze.
Richie loves his dada very much and used to wait late night to catch a glimpse of him. So these days dada tries to come home early to play with Richie.
A very very happy b'day dada, said Richie
As I am sitting and writing this blog early in the morning, my baby is wide awake. He has turned on his tummy and talking to the soft toys, his favourite baby Pooh and a pink teddy bear. :) In between his busy time, he is giving me glances and smiling whenever I turn back and acknowledge him.:) Ok wait, I got to see him. He is crying, maybe tired .........
I am back. He is fast asleep now. I sang some soft nursery rhymes for him. He loves it. He held me close and dozed off to sleep. He wanted “his mama” to be near him. He was feeling sleepy as this is not his usual wake-up time. Now let me tell you why he was awake so early...
Last night, at 11pm, we put off the bedroom lights and he went to sleep after a while. This is his everyday routine. Usually, he sleeps through the night, occasionally waking up for his feeds. He was sleeping away to glory with soft purring. Suddenly, the purring stopped so I looked his way. I saw him staring at me with his one eye open. I thought, maybe he is just dreaming or seeing angels. I told my hubby. When he saw dad, he was wide awake and smiling at him. We were surprised. Otherwise, he doesn’t get up even if there is noise. But yesterday it was different. He knew there was something special going on. And he did not want to miss it. There he was, wide awake, and saying, “Dada, a vedy vedy happy birthday to you”. We saw the clock. It was indeed 12am. OH WOW!! He was the first one to wish dada. What better present could dada have on his b’day?
But, did he really know that? Yesterday, I was telling him about dada’s b’day. But do you think he really understood what I meant? Last night’s event really made me wonder!! He is just over 4 months old now. And as if that was not enough, he woke up early the next morning and gave dada his “wide gummy smile” and kisses. He then was ready at the door (of course, mom was carrying him), saying “ have a nice day dada, see you home soon”. What is going on in their little brains, we will never know. But they are just wonderful to be with.
I am back. He is fast asleep now. I sang some soft nursery rhymes for him. He loves it. He held me close and dozed off to sleep. He wanted “his mama” to be near him. He was feeling sleepy as this is not his usual wake-up time. Now let me tell you why he was awake so early...
Last night, at 11pm, we put off the bedroom lights and he went to sleep after a while. This is his everyday routine. Usually, he sleeps through the night, occasionally waking up for his feeds. He was sleeping away to glory with soft purring. Suddenly, the purring stopped so I looked his way. I saw him staring at me with his one eye open. I thought, maybe he is just dreaming or seeing angels. I told my hubby. When he saw dad, he was wide awake and smiling at him. We were surprised. Otherwise, he doesn’t get up even if there is noise. But yesterday it was different. He knew there was something special going on. And he did not want to miss it. There he was, wide awake, and saying, “Dada, a vedy vedy happy birthday to you”. We saw the clock. It was indeed 12am. OH WOW!! He was the first one to wish dada. What better present could dada have on his b’day?
But, did he really know that? Yesterday, I was telling him about dada’s b’day. But do you think he really understood what I meant? Last night’s event really made me wonder!! He is just over 4 months old now. And as if that was not enough, he woke up early the next morning and gave dada his “wide gummy smile” and kisses. He then was ready at the door (of course, mom was carrying him), saying “ have a nice day dada, see you home soon”. What is going on in their little brains, we will never know. But they are just wonderful to be with.
pregnancy, child care, baby, labor, delivery
4.5 months old,
baby development,
Happy B'day
Time for fun - Sixth week
Richie has started enjoying himself. He is watching nursery rhymes on youtube. Too early right? He has just completed 5 weeks. But kids these days.. You can never know what they are upto.
He looks at the empty ceiling and keeps smiling and telling some stories. God only knows what he imagines and sees there. Maybe Angels!! Have you seen a similar behaviour in your babies? It seems that babies are very much tuned to their higher self and angels play with them. Maybe true!!
Nowadays he has developed a craze for the air-con. He turns and stares at it whenever it is switched on/off or when it moves. Sometimes he even scolds the air-con by making loud sounds if he feels too hot.. ha ha ha..
He opens his mouth to say something when we tell him stories. He also smiles when we sing the “ABC” song. Maybe he remembers it, as we used to sing it when he was in my tummy.
As for me, I have become more relaxed and enjoying my days with my little baby. He is so adorable and fun to be with. I am happy with his development and his achievements. After all he is taking big leaps starting from nowhere.
He looks at the empty ceiling and keeps smiling and telling some stories. God only knows what he imagines and sees there. Maybe Angels!! Have you seen a similar behaviour in your babies? It seems that babies are very much tuned to their higher self and angels play with them. Maybe true!!
Nowadays he has developed a craze for the air-con. He turns and stares at it whenever it is switched on/off or when it moves. Sometimes he even scolds the air-con by making loud sounds if he feels too hot.. ha ha ha..
He opens his mouth to say something when we tell him stories. He also smiles when we sing the “ABC” song. Maybe he remembers it, as we used to sing it when he was in my tummy.
As for me, I have become more relaxed and enjoying my days with my little baby. He is so adorable and fun to be with. I am happy with his development and his achievements. After all he is taking big leaps starting from nowhere.
pregnancy, child care, baby, labor, delivery
Baby's first year of life,
Celebrated Richie’s 1st month milestone - Fifth Week
Richie became 1 month old this week. It was a month of mixed emotions for him and me.
We celebrated his 1st month b’day with great pomp. After all he had a cozy time in my womb for 9 months and to adjust to the new life in this BIG new world certainly called for a celebration.
We decorated the house and got a delicious cream cake. You won’ t believe when Richie tasted the cake he could not stop asking for more. ;) He was excited that he was tasting something different than the usual mama’s milk. We clicked a lot of snaps for our collection.
This week Richie had his 1 month checkup. The doctor said that he was gaining weight well and his height and head circumference was average. His neck also was getting stronger and everything was just perfectly fine. Good to hear that!! :)
Milestone: This week Richie held his head high for sometime when I put him on his stomach. Wow!! :) He is also trying some sign language, but we are yet to understand what it means. ;) He shows a great deal of curiosity about his environment by changing his facial expressions to different sounds.
We celebrated his 1st month b’day with great pomp. After all he had a cozy time in my womb for 9 months and to adjust to the new life in this BIG new world certainly called for a celebration.
We decorated the house and got a delicious cream cake. You won’ t believe when Richie tasted the cake he could not stop asking for more. ;) He was excited that he was tasting something different than the usual mama’s milk. We clicked a lot of snaps for our collection.
This week Richie had his 1 month checkup. The doctor said that he was gaining weight well and his height and head circumference was average. His neck also was getting stronger and everything was just perfectly fine. Good to hear that!! :)
Milestone: This week Richie held his head high for sometime when I put him on his stomach. Wow!! :) He is also trying some sign language, but we are yet to understand what it means. ;) He shows a great deal of curiosity about his environment by changing his facial expressions to different sounds.
pregnancy, child care, baby, labor, delivery
baby development,
Baby's first year of life,
Fourth week – Richie growing up fast

Richie is growing up fast into a cute young boy. His demand for milk is increasing. He cries loudly when he is very hungry. He likes to sleep on his side with his hands over his forehead or sometimes in a ‘W’ position with his head on one side. He gets hiccups 2-3 times a day, same as the way he was getting when he was in my tummy. He stares at new people and seems like he tries to remember new faces. I guess he keeps thinking something as he is always in a thinking position with his hands on his chin. ;)
These days dada also is helping out with nappy changes and taking care of oil massage and bath. GREAT DAD!! Richie enjoys his bath and sleeps during oil massage and in the bath tub. he he he isn’t it? ;)
I also had a 1 month checkup this week, though a little in advance. The doctor said my uterus was coming back to normal and my body was getting in shape well. There were no concerns whatsoever. :)
This week we had a visitor. The health center volunteer came over as a part of their routine checkups for babies. She gave me lots of tips on caring for a baby. It was very helpful to know what problems other first time moms face and how they tackle them. I realized that all the new moms were in the same boat. Everyone goes through a similar phase and what matters most is the positive outlook in every situation. As we are in a foreign land, it was also very beneficial to know the various facilities provided for child raising in our area.
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